Legal Research & Publications

Year Project Title Grant Amount 
1992'DNA Evidence - How Reliable Is It?'$ 3,600.00
1992Publication: 'Women in the Law' - Phase I$ 20,400.00
1992Children's Rights in New Zealand Law$ 14,500.00
1993Publication: Women in the Law - Phase II$ 40,000.00
1993Publication: The Disputes Tribunal of New Zealand$ 5,000.00
1993Publication: 'Youth and the Law'$ 30,000.00
1993Establishment of a Waikato Law Review$ 7,500.00
1993Publication: Environmental Law Reporter - 1st Issue$ 5,000.00
1993Publication: New Zealand Adoption Handbook$ 2,650.00
1993Publication: 'A Legal Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men in New Zealand'$ 6,000.00
1994Publication: 'Legal Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities'$ 20,000.00
1994Oral History Project: Dame Silvia Cartwright$ 3,500.00
1994Publication: ALSA Academic Journal$ 4,200.00
1994Study: Exploration of Occupational Stress and its Consequences Amongst Lawyers$ 7,956.60
1994Artificial Intelligence Programmes in Legal Research - Phase 1$ 40,000.00
1994Newsletter: Te Rangatahi, Youth Justice Newsletter$ 12,000.00
1994History of Canterbury Lawyers$ 2,450.00
1994Publication of Sports Law Manual$ 16,000.00
1995Book: Youth and the Law (2nd Edition)$ 5,000.00
1995Development of a Guide and Model for Delivery of Family Mediation Services$ 17,274.00
1995Research: Child Interviewing and Testimony$ 49,000.00
1995Research: Preliminary Study of Televised Trial Coverage and its Effects$ 1,657.65
1995Report: Protecting Our Future - The Case for Greater Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology$ 22,766.00
1995Guidelines on Maori Custom Law$ 50,000.00
1995Duty Solicitors' Manual$ 6,000.00
1995Oral History Project: Dame Silvia Cartwright$ 5,000.00
1995Research: Gender Equity In the Judicial System$ 60,362.50
1995Publication of Maori Issues Newsletter - Takapau$ 4,500.00
1995Access and Other Post-Separation Issues: A Qualitative Study$ 49,555.00
1996Artificial Intelligence Programmes In Legal Research - Phase II$ 42,000.00
1996Publication: 'Brief Encounters - Some Uncommon Lawyers' - A Social History of Christchurch Lawyers$ 12,000.00
1996Feminist Law Bulletin$ 6,650.00
1996Newsletter: Te Rangatahi, Youth Justice Newsletter$ 12,000.00
1996Children and Carers' Perceptions of Sexual Abuse Investigations and Litigation$ 16,500.00
1996Publication of a New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law$ 9,791.00
1996Otago District Law Society 120th Anniversary Oral History Project$ 4,000.00
1996Civil Rights Handbook - 1997 Edition$ 27,060.00
1996Training Needs of Youth Advocates$ 76,400.00
1996Pilot Study: The Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 and People with Intellectual Disabilities$ 25,000.00
1996Responsibilities and Duties of Elected Officers of Incorporated Societies and Charitable Trusts$ 20,000.00
1996Identification & Treatment of People with Intellectual Disability within the Criminal Justice System$ 39,900.00
1997History of the NZ Court of Appeal 1958-1998$ 5,000.00
1997Publication of Maori Issues Newsletter - Takapau$ 7,098.17
1997Research: Representing Children in the Family Court - The Role of the Counsel for the Child$ 34,250.00
1997Research: Jury Decision Making$ 80,000.00
1997The Commerce Act: Law Meets Economics, 13 Years On$ 100,000.00
1997Evidence Project Consultation$ 39,774.00
1997Human Rights and New Zealand Development Assistance$ 15,000.00
1997Oral History Project: Dame Silvia Cartwright$ 2,500.00
1997Special Edition of Victoria University's Law Review: Ethics and the Law$ 6,000.00
1997Family Group Conferences: Participant Evaluation of Success$ 15,412.50
1998125th Anniversary Oral History Project$ 12,000.00
1998Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 & People with Intellectual Disabilities: Part II$ 26,500.00
1998Legal Profiles: 'Honourable and Learned Members'$ 5,000.00
1998Internet Child Pornography: Legislative Review and Reform$ 31,088.00
1998Maori Law Society Conference: Publication of Papers$ 6,500.00
1998Statutory Interpretation in the NZ Court of Appeal$ 7,378.00
1998How Children's Views are Ascertained and Taken Into Account in Family Law Proceedings$ 49,841.00
1998Establishment of NZ Centre for Environmental Law$ 14,660.00
1998Legal History Publication$ 50,000.00
1998Postgraduate Research: 'Control of the Crime Story: Where To?'$ 12,500.00
1998Improving Inter-Agency Collaboration in Cases of Alleged Child Abuse$ 47,200.00
1998Justice in Employment: Decisions of the Employment Court and Tribunal - Part I$ 28,935.00
1999Restorative Justice Practice Manual$ 12,000.00
1999Legal Profiles: Honourable & Learned Members - Phase II$ 9,000.00
1999Publication: Waitangi & Indigenous Rights : Revolution, Law & Legitimation$ 4,000.00
1999Justice in Employment : Decisions of the Employment Court and Tribunal - Part II$ 29,254.00
2000Handbook of Environmental Law$ 20,000.00
2000Youth and the Law - 3rd Edition$ 12,500.00
2000Training Manual - Restorative Conferencing Skills$ 15,000.00
2000Childhood and Family Law$ 42,555.00
2000Interface Between People with Intellectual Disability and the Criminal Justice System - Stage 2 - Training and Advocacy$ 40,775.00
2000Judicial and Court Information Through the Internet$ 14,605.00
2001Justice in Employment: Decisions of the Employment Court, the Employment Tribunal, and the Employment Relations Authority$ 9,879.00
2001New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review - Inaugural Edition$ 1,200.00
2001Publication: 'Grey and Iwikau: A Journey into Custom'$ 5,000.00
2002New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review - 2002 Edition$ 1,000.00
2002Index to Common Law Festschriften: Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden$ 32,690.97
2002Law and Practice of the Waitangi Tribunal and of the Crown's Treaty Claim Settlement Policies$ 4,500.00
2002The Use of Survey Evidence in Intellectual Property Litigation$ 39,950.00
2002Statutory Demands$ 21,600.00
2002Human Genome Research Project - Phase I$ 172,182.67
2003Native and Maori Land Legislation in the Superior Courts 1840 -1980$ 50,000.00
2003New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law$ 26,500.00
2003Human Genome Research Project - Research into Preimplantation Diagnosis$ 19,300.00
2003Otago District Law Society Research Grant$ 10,000.00
2003Publication of Report on Landscape Protection$ 7,295.00
2003The Use of Parliamentary History by the New Zealand Court of Appeal$ 20,400.00
2003The Modern Criminal Prosecution Process in New Zealand$ 79,200.00
2004Human Genome Research Project - Phase II: Year One - The Legal Implications and Policy Options relating to Human Genome-Based Technologies for New Zealand$ 879,230.00
2004International Data Protection Jurisprudence: A Comparative Analysis$ 6,340.00
2004Expert Psychological Evidence in Sexual Abuse Trials$ 65,000.00
2005Publication: 'The Shareholder's Rights to Fair Value and the Reform of the Minority Buy-Out Provisions of the Companies Act 1993'$ 5,000.00
2005Human Genome Research Project - Phase II: Years Two & Three - The Legal Implications and Policy Options relating to Human Genome-Based Technologies for New Zealand$ 1,640,054.00
2006Publication:'The Problem of Prisons' - Corrections Reform in New Zealand Since 1840$ 6,000.00
2006Publication: A Community Guide to the Resource Management Act 1991$ 4,000.00
2006Relocation after Parental Separation: The Welfare and Best Interests of Children$ 315,776.00
2006The New Zealand Law Students' Journal$ 4,500.00
2006Child Witnesses in the Criminal Justice System$ 165,726.00
2006VUW Law Review: Special Issue Commemorating the Life of Lord Cooke$ 12,756.00
2007Intellectual Property Law for a Small Developed Country$ 50,000.00
2007Language Use in Judges Summings Up$ 50,000.00
2007Recovering New Zealand's Lost Cases$ 95,780.00
2007The National and International Legal Obligations and Consequences for New Zealand Arising from its Peace Support Operations$ 36,000.00
2008Publication: 'This Realm of New Zealand' - The Sovereign, The Crown and the Governor-General: Their Constitutional Roles$ 134,769.00
2008Modification of the Pre-Trial and Trial Process for Sexual Offences - Real Rape to Real Justice: Prosecuting Rape in New Zealand$ 85,925.00
2008Publication: 20 Years After the Cartwright Report: What Have We Learnt?$ 10,000.00
2008Publication: In the Footsteps of Ethel Benjamin$ 10,424.00
2008Child Inclusion in Family Court Conciliation Processes$ 14,800.00
2008Recovering New Zealand's Lost Cases - Stage Two$ 140,000.00
2009History of Legal Education at Canterbury$ 5,000.00
2009Policy Paper on Environmental Protection Authorities$ 8,000.00
2009Conflict of Laws Database$ 9,500.00
2009Archiving our Culture in a Digital Environment: Does New Zealand Copyright Law facilitate effective digitisation practices in cultural institutions?$ 26,219.00
2009The Use of Urgency in the New Zealand House of Representatives$ 40,000.00
2010Reforming the Legislative Framework for Oceans Governance in New Zealand$ 50,000.00
2010Shadow Report to United Nations Human Rights Committee$ 5,000.00
2010Report on the Rule of Law in New Zealand$ 5,000.00
2010Publication: 'Law into Action: Implementing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand'$ 20,953.00
2010NZLF Regulatory Reform Project$ 1,844,115.00
2010Implications of Behavioural Economics for Regulation$ 162,000.00
2010Publication: A Critical Evaluation of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership - 'No Ordinary Deal'$ 12,000.00
2010Analysis of the Youth Justice Family Group Conference - 25 years on - "New Zealand's Gift to the World"$ 32,700.00
2010A Simple Nullity? The Wi Parata Case in New Zealand Law and History$ 10,000.00
2010Reform: a Memoir - Sir Geoffrey Palmer$ 22,500.00
2010Judicial Review Handbook$ 5,000.00
2010The Role of District Inspectors$ 58,000.00
2010Women Judges Oral Histories Project$ 41,000.00
2011Delays in the Civil System$ 12,000.00
2011Mock Trials of 'specialist child examiner' system$ 20,000.00
2011Treaty of Waitangi Settlements$ 12,700.00
2011People with Intellectual Disability in the NZ Legal System - Consultation Project$ 10,000.00
2011Wonders of the Sea: The protection of New Zealand's marine mammals$ 35,300.00
2011Parenting Orders in the Family Court$ 65,000.00
2011Legal issues consequent on natural disasters: the Canterbury earthquakes experience$ 45,000.00
2011An investigation into youth justice practice: rights and welfare$ 14,275.00
2011Assessing the impact of NZ's ratification and state receptivity of the major international human rights treaties$ 163,124.00
2011Rights and Responsibilities on New Zealand's Outer Continental Shelf$ 48,965.00
2011Expert witnesses under adversarial examination in criminal and family courts$ 20,000.00
2011Law Reform - Legal Research$ 15,000.00
2011A Pilot Evaluation of Problem-Solving Courts from a NZ Perspective$ 66,450.00
2011Developing a legal system responsive to the needs of people with intellectual disability$ 307,804.00
2011Leading Decisions of the Native Land Court, Native Appellate Court, Native Valuation Court and Urewera Commission 1888-1909$ 80,687.00
2012Coroners' Recommendations 2007-2012: Do They Have The Potential to Save New Zealanders' Lives?$ 137,861.00
2012Improving judicial direction and communication to juries$ 68,000.00
2012New Zealand's Supreme Court, One Decade On$ 19,885.00
2012New Zealand's Mental Health Act in Practice$ 18,530.00
2012Pre-Trial Collection and Retention of DNA in NZ - A Critical Analysis$ 30,000.00
2012The Maori Law Resource Hub Project: Stage 1 (scoping exercise)$ 7,000.00
2012Social Welfare Law in New Zealand$ 15,787.00
2012Te Akinga - The Maori Dimension in Aotearoa New Zealand Law$ 42,162.00
2012Securing our Future: The Protection of New Zealand's Threatened Wildlife [Publication: "Vanishing Nature - facing NZ's biodiversity crisis"]$ 37,000.00
2012 Fossil fuel subsidy reform: a New Zealand perspective$ 31,075.00
2013Public Interest Law Journal$ 3,285.00
2013Maori and the British Courts: 1835-1856: Publication 'Juridical Encounters'$ 43,303.00
2013Public Health Law$ 25,000.00
2013Chief Justice Prendergast Biography$ 11,000.00
2013Post-sentence detention and predicting dangerousness$ 17,500.00
2013BWB Treaty E-Collections$ 15,000.00
2014Evaluation of the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Phase One$ 56,600.00
2014Publication: The FIRE Economy$ 7,000.00
2014Understanding the Problem: An inductive analysis of courts: decisions on ACC appeals since 2009 to allow improvement of access to justice$ 37,000.00
2014The Future of Selective Reproduction and Preimplantation Genetic Testing: an Analysis of the Ethical, Legal and Social Issues -$ 80,380.00
2014Analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement from a NZ Perspective$ 30,000.00
2014Leading Decisions of the Native Land Court, Native Appellate Court, Native Valuation Court 1910-1953$ 78,000.00
2014Shirley Smith Biography Research Project$ 21,600.00
2014Rethinking Surrogacy - Phase 1 - Scoping$ 18,000.00
2015Revised Legal Frameworks for Ownership and Use of Multi-Dwelling Units$ 7,000.00
2015Best evidence - best practice: 'Benchmark' - A national online resource for legal professionals who work with vulnerable witnesses and defendants$ 218,000.00
2015Festschrift for Emeritus Professor Peter Skegg$ 7,850.00
2015Undue delays in civil case progression in the NZ High Court - Wheels of Justice: Understanding the Pace of Civil High Court Cases$ 130,000.00
2015Publication: People, Power and Law: A New Zealand History$ 39,000.00
2015Publication: The New Zealand Project$ 5,000.00
2015Solving the Problems: an analysis of options for mitigating access to justice barriers for ACC claimants$ 150,000.00
2015One Court, One Judge: A New Case Management Approach for the District, Family and Youth Courts?$ 56,000.00
2015Mistake of Fact as a Ground of Judicial Review in New Zealand$ 2,662.00
2015Feminist Judgments Project Aotearoa$ 38,000.00
2015Festschrift for Emeritus Professor John Smillie$ 7,850.00
2015Legal issues re barriers to inclusive education in New Zealand$ 9,500.00
2015Rethinking Surrogacy - Phase Two and Phase Three$ 178,354.00
2015Publication: Pathways to No Net Loss: Safeguarding biodiversity in development$ 50,000.00
2015Superdiversity Law and Policy Stocktake - Case Study on Electoral Law & Policy$ 50,000.00
2015Publication: Human rights in New Zealand: Emerging Faultlines$ 8,000.00
2015Climate Change Impacts on Statehood for Atoll Nations and Potential Responsibilities for New Zealand$ 78,537.00
2016Strengthening Regulatory Outcomes: practice, innovation and enhancement of environmental enforcement in New Zealand [Publication: 'Last Line of Defence']$ 62,500.00
2016The Brain Does Not Lie: Use of Forensic Brainwave Analysis and Neuroscience in Criminal and Civil Investigations$ 27,734.00
2016Evaluation of the 2014 Family Law Reforms: Phase Two$ 400,000.00
2016The Grand Jury of New Zealand$ 15,403.00
2016The Conflict of Laws in New Zealand$ 79,500.00
2016Equality of Parties before International Investment Tribunals$ 17,500.00
2016Family Court experiences (prior to 2014 changes) of Grandparents raising Grandchildren$ 8,000.00
2016Environmental and eco-justice in New Zealand: rebalancing the scales$ 40,000.00
2016The Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in the Courts$ 43,250.00
2016Role of the Intervener in Cases with a Human Rights Dimension$ 42,000.00
2017Finnigan v NZRFU Oral and Documentary Archive$ 9,225.00
2017Animal Welfare Law in New Zealand: oversight, compliance and enforcement$ 47,720.00
2017New Zealand's Resource Management Law: The Next Generation$ 356,000.00
2017New Biotech Frontiers and New Zealand Law$ 20,840.00
2017Training of Court appointed Communication Assistants (CAs): Analysis of a successful model of practice and writing of a Communication Assistant Handbook$ 9,790.00
2017Publication: Assessment of Mental Capacity: A New Zealand Guide$ 35,000.00
2017Evaluating the effectiveness of select committee processes in the parliamentary scrutiny of human rights$ 88,530.00
2017Assessing the specialist sexual violence court pilot: A comparative analysis of adult acquaintance rape trials$ 23,800.00
2017Exploring the regulatory regime of the 2012 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act: A PROJECT CO-FUNDED WITH THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 51,000.00
2018New Zealand's Future Resource Management System: A Pathway to Reform A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 240,000.00
2018The case for early intervention: Child offending and Family Court practices A PROJECT CO-FUNDED WITH THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 126,302.00
2018Indigenous Water Rights in Comparative Law$ 16,589.00
2018University Intellectual Property Policy and Protection of Mātauranga Māori$ 9,540.00
2018Righting Environmental Law: The role of Public Law in Environmental Law$ 19,950.00
2018Applying Forensic Brainwave Analysis (FBA) in the Criminal Justice System: Phase 2 - Verifying the reliability & accuracy of Dr Lawrence Farwell's FBA neuroscientific system, with analyses of relevant Legal, Ethical & Cultural Implications$ 109,130.00
2018Young Witnesses in New Zealand's Specialist Sexual Violence Pilot Courts$ 90,500.00
2018The Legal Structure of Social Enterprise organisations$ 47,100.00
2018A Union Default Policy to Reduce Inequality: How Effective and How Acceptable?$ 30,000.00
2018Publication: Crown Māori Relationships - He Kupu Taurangi: Treaty Settlements and the Future of Aotearoa New Zealand$ 23,000.00
2019Publication: Principles of New Zealand Administrative Law$ 10,132.00
2019Farmed Animal Welfare Law in New Zealand$ 25,000.00
2019Judge alone trials in acquaintance rape cases: A comparison with the application of the rules of evidence and procedure in jury trials$ 74,360.00
2019Telecommunications law and regulation in New Zealand$ 25,000.00
2019Adversarial lawyering in the Family Court Is there another way to act A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 55,684.00
2019Arbitrary detention of the intellectually disabled$ 10,000.00
2019Ka Mapuna - Towards a Rangatiratanga Framework for Governance of Waterways$ 85,877.00
2019Expert Evidence about Memory in New Zealand Courts A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 52,500.00
2019Neurodevelopmental Impairment in the Criminal Justice System: incidence, relative risk and pathways A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 89,750.00
2019Publication: Justice and Race - A memoir of campaigns against racism and abuse in Aotearoa New Zealand$ 5,000.00
2019Testing sensational law: a case study of the gang legislation of 1997$ 48,000.00
2019Festschrift: Bruce Harris - Pragmatism, Principle and Power in Common Law Constitutional Systems$ 7,082.00
2019Reforming Oceans Management: How to achieve better environmental, social and economic outcomes in our marine environment - A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 240,000.00
2020Public and private manuka honey standards - the New Zealand context$ 6,500.00
2020Developing the legal and policy framework for introducing a union default$ 46,400.00
2020Housing Law and Policy in New Zealand A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 18,040.00
2020Legal Conceptions of Dignity and Mana in Lex Aotearoa A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 10,605.00
2020Is it time for a New Zealand Modern Slavery Act? A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 25,035.00
2020Open access publication of judge alone trial research$ 10,000.00
2020Public health law and COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand$ 56,205.00
2020Ensuring the reliability of Forensic Science in New Zealand Criminal Courts A PROJECT CO-FUNDED BY THE BORRIN FOUNDATION$ 65,711.00
2020The Status of Foreign Nationals in the Chinese Criminal Justice System$ 2,000.00


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