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10.5.2 European Union legislation


Legislation type

Number and title

Publication details for the Official Journal of the European Union



1605/2002 on the Financial Regulations

[2002] OJ L248/1





Eg Regulation 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulations [2002] OJ L248/1.

(a) Legislation type

Indicate the legislation type, for example regulation or directive.

(b) Number and title

After the legislation type, include the number and title.

(c) Publication details

Following the number and title, include the publication details for the Official Journal of the European Union.

The OJ citation takes the form: [Year] OJ series number/page.

Prior to 1972, no English version of the Journal Officiel was produced. Cite pre-1972 material by reference to the Special Edition of the Official Journal, which was produced following the United Kingdom joining the EC.

Eg Directive 68/221 on the Free Movement of Workers [1963-4] OJ Spec Ed 117.

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