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2.3.2 Reference tags for cases

When using the “above n x” format, an easily identifiable reference tag may be used rather than repeating the full case name. The reference tag will generally consist of a shortened version of the case name or the name of one of the parties. If the reference tag is obvious (for example, one of the party’s names), it need not be provided after the first citation. If the reference tag is less obvious (for example, a popular name by which the case is known), provide it after the first citation in square brackets.

When using the reference tag in a subsequent reference, give the reference tag followed by “, above n x,” where “x” is the earlier footnote number.

Eg 4 Simpson v Attorney-General [1994] 3 NZLR 667 (CA) [Baigent’s case].

5 Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington London Borough Council [1996] AC 669 (HL).

6 Baigent’s case, above n 4, at 668.

7 Westdeutsche, above n 5, at 698.

For more information on reference tags, see rule 1.1.7(c).

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