September 2015
Legal Research Foundation Conference - Rights, Liberty and Equality: Runnymede to the Beehive
25 SEPTEMBER 2015, GALLERY AT THE PULLMAN AUCKLAND In recognition of the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta and the 25th anniversary of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, the Legal Research Foundation is holding a one day conference on the theme of equality to celebrate the legacy of Magna Carta and the impact to date of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. This Law Foundation funded event provides an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the influence of Magna Carta on modern rights, and how the New Zealand Bill of Rights is being applied to current issues, and potential future developments. As well as featuring prominent New Zealand experts in this area, the conference has several eminent speakers from other jurisdictions including The Rt Hon The Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, the Chief Justice of England and Wales; The Hon Kate O’Regan, former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa; and the Hon Mr Justice Grant Huscroft, judge of the Court of Appeal of Ontario. Speakers at the conference will consider the impact of the Act in specific areas including indigenous rights and criminal law, and will also look at recent decisions and current cases where the Act has been applied or invoked, including cases relating to prisoner voting and end of life issues. Broader issues of equality and liberty will also be explored, including the application of rights to problems of economic and social inequality and the rights which are “missing” from the Act, such as liberty and security of the person. More information is available in this conference brochure.The New Zealand Law Foundation is contributing funding of $9,000 to bring the international speakers to the conference. |