
July 2018

2018 Australian & New Zealand Society of International Law Conference - From the Local to the Global


The Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL) and the New Zealand Centre for Public Law (NZCPL), in conjunction with the Faculty of Law at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), will host the ANZSIL 2018 annual conference in Wellington on 5-7 July 2018.

The conference will bring together legal scholars, practitioners, government officials and civil society stakeholders to explore current and future issues in international law. The international setting is transforming rapidly, with significant changes in the national political scene of many countries creating new challenges and opportunities for international law.

The 26th ANZSIL Annual Conference will be an opportunity to explore a range of themes:

  • The intersection of domestic law and politics with international law
  • The intersection between regionalism and globalism
  • The emergence of new (and old) global challenges
More about the Conference

NZ Law Foundation has awarded up to $29,500 towards the costs of bringing international and Australian keynote speakers, and towards preparation costs for publishing the conference papers.