August 2019
Day Symposium & Public Lecture: Contemporary issues for children's rights: international and national contexts
~~~~19-20 AUG 2019, RUTHERFORD HOUSE, VUW This two-day symposium will examine contemporary issues affecting children’s rights across 4 broad areas: (1) the care system (2) the criminal jurisdiction (3) the Family Court (4) the voice of the child in matters affecting them. Keynote speakers: The symposium is by invitation only and is now at capacity so has closed, however there is a public event being held with the four international speakers from the symposium and New Zealand’s Children’s Commissioner, Judge Andrew Becroft: Public event “Children’s Rights – National and International Contexts” – panel discussion, 20th August 2019 Further info and registration details for public eventNZ Law Foundation in conjunction with the Borrin Foundation has awarded up to $28,260 towards the costs of bringing four keynote speakers to this symposium, publications costs of material from the symposium, and three post graduate student scholarships to cover attendance. |