News Item

February 2017

Research into environmental compliance highlights the need for significant improvements

The Environmental Defence Society (EDS) has released a new report “Last Line of Defence: compliance, monitoring and enforcement of New Zealand’s environmental law” by Senior Policy Analyst Dr Marie Brown.

The report is based on research findings from Dr Brown’s Law Foundation funded project that sought to outline the role and importance of compliance, monitoring and enforcement; to present a fair and accurate picture of current practice; and to use that information to highlight innovations and improvements.

This report builds on two earlier EDS research reports concerned with preserving biodiversity, also by Dr Brown and funded by the Law Foundation:

Vanishing Nature – facing New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis
Pathways to Prosperity – Safeguarding biodiversity in development.

Further information about the current research report “Last Line of Defence – compliance, monitoring and enforcement on New Zealand’s environmental law”:

Acquiring a hard-copy from EDS
120 page PDF of report

The Law Foundation has granted up to $62,500 towards this research, and the dissemination of it.