News Item

June 2014

New Online Legal Journal

A new legal journal funded by the Law Foundation has just been launched. The Public Interest Law Journal of New Zealand is an annual, refereed publication showcasing articles written by New Zealand law students on topics of importance to vulnerable groups in society as well as the general public. The Journal will provide students with a further opportunity to share their university writing, and will provide an interesting insight into the issues that are attracting the attention and concern of those who will become the next generation of lawyers in Aotearoa. The initiative for the journal came from Danielle Duffield representing the University of Otago’s law students.

The first edition of the Journal, which has a foreword by the Chief Justice Sian Elias, includes topics on abortion law reform, the legal right to pain relief, file sharing, and the United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. It can be read online at

The New Zealand Law Foundation provided $3,285 to support the establishment of this new online legal journal.