News Item

November 2017

Doctoral Scholarship awarded to Nikita Melashchenko

The Law Foundation is pleased to announce that Nikita Melashchenko has been awarded a Doctoral Scholarship to research issues surrounding data localisation. Nikita is studying for his PhD at Victoria University’s Law Faculty and is examining how data localisation measures implemented by many states might contradict World Trade Organisation rules.

With data being the new driver of the global economy, free data flows are important to the development and the success of international trade. Data localisation regulations limit the flow of data by requiring data processors to store certain types of data in the territory of the regulating state.

 Nikita Melashchenko recipient of 2017 NZ Law Foundation Doctoral Scholarship

In his research, Nikita will undertake three main tasks. First, he will test the legality of certain regulatory measures of the Russian Federation regarding data processing and transfer against the WTO Marrakesh Agreement. Secondly, Nikita will attempt to define the boundaries of states’ regulatory autonomy related to data, based on the acquired results. Lastly, he will consider the possibility of developing regulatory approaches that would preserve the balance between the right to regulate data in pursuit of legitimate policy objectives and obligations under the WTO international trade regime.

Nikita’s thesis is expected to make a valuable contribution to the development of international trade law, New Zealand and its legal system.
The New Zealand Law Foundation’s Doctoral Scholarship is valued at $10,000 each year for up to three years, as a top-up to the award of a New Zealand University PhD Scholarship. Applications are accepted twice a year – the deadlines are 28th February and 31st August.

Further information about Nikita

The New Zealand Law Foundation’s Doctoral Scholarship is valued at $10,000 each year for up to three years, as a top-up to the award of a New Zealand University PhD Scholarship. Applications are accepted twice a year – the deadlines are 28th February and 31st August.