News Item

September 2017

Helping Muslim travellers deal with authorities

Executive Director of the Law Foundation, Lynda Hagen, has written her latest article for LawTalk. Lynda highlights the work of the Human Rights Foundation, who are developing a best practice model for New Zealand authorities working with the NZ Muslim community in order to build positive relationships and preserve human rights.
The project, funded by the Law Foundation, will help ease concerns among New Zealand’s Muslim community about their treatment by security authorities. The project has been prompted by complaints about the treatment of Muslims in airport security checks and in their interactions with the SIS in particular.
The project will produce a series of “know your rights” resources to assist the Muslim community through improved communication and understanding. These resources are being developed through working co-operatively with agencies including the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security, the NZSIS, NZ Police, NZ Customs, the Human Rights Commission and FIANZ. This initiative has the potential to peacefully and positively alleviate tension between NZ authorities and the Muslim community, and raise understanding between cultures in our own backyard.
Click here to read Lynda’s article

The Law Foundation has contributed $36,990 towards this project.