News Item

May 2018

New Law Foundation Trustee appointed

The Law Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of Bernadette Arapere as a new trustee to its Board.

Photo of Bernadette Arapere new New Zealand Law Foundation trustee

Bernadette (Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Maniapoto) is Crown Counsel in one of the Public Law teams in the Crown Legal Risk Group at Crown Law.

She conducts litigation and provides advice across a range of natural resource issues including land law, public works, biosecurity and conservation matters. Bernadette has a background in general practice, Maori land and Treaty of Waitangi litigation. Bernadette was also co-chair of the national body for community law, Community Law Centres o Aotearoa Incorporated, until she stepped down in September 2017.